
Malomaro's picture
  • Games Played: 21694
  • Total Winnings: 249,719,464.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: 15,429.88
  • Biggest Buy-in: 1,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 25.86
  • Total Profit: -85,016,336.00
  • Average Profit: -3,918.89
  • Average ROI %: -25.4
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
PM 10,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 13784 -1,978.47 -19.78 -27,271,279.00 10,000.00 27.6 3804/9980
PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 6032 -6,605.89 -26.42 -39,846,702.00 25,000.00 24.01 1448/4584
PM 50,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 168 -17,366.07 -34.73 -2,917,500.00 50,000.00 23.21 39/129
PM 3,000 NL Hold'em KO [Hyper] 165 -880.00 -29.33 -145,200.00 3,000.00 24.24 40/125
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (1,000) [Time: 15 Minutes] 143 -349.80 -34.98 -50,021.00 1,000.00 16.08 23/120

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
03/07/2022 Play Money No Limit Hold'em 6-Max (1M) 870,000.00+130,000.00 4/37 3,460,000.00
12/19/2019 250K Win the Button [8-Max], 75M Chips Gtd 220,000.00+30,000.00 6/268 3,276,000.00
03/30/2020 PM 500,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 425,000.00+75,000.00 3/9 1,445,000.00
04/07/2020 Big 500K, 100M Chips Gtd 440,000.00+60,000.00 24/285 1,119,000.00
04/13/2020 250K Win the Button [8-Max], 75M Chips Gtd 220,000.00+30,000.00 24/411 821,000.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
06/26/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 5/9 0.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 6/9 0.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 2/9 39,312.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 2/9 60,562.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 4/9 0.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 5/9 0.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 3/9 19,125.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 6/9 0.00
06/25/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 7/9 0.00
06/24/2024 PM 25,000 NL Holdem Knockout [Hyper] 21,250.00+3,750.00 9/9 0.00