
vladikot's picture
  • Games Played: 26
  • Total Winnings: $39.63
  • Avg. Buy-In: $1.80
  • Biggest Buy-in: $30.00
  • ITM %: 26.92
  • Total Profit: -$7.18
  • Average Profit: -$0.28
  • Average ROI %: -15.34
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments 7 $0.05 471.43 $0.33 $0.01 57.14 4/3
Step 3 888Live & Major Tournaments 5 $0.08 8 $0.40 $1.00 20 1/4
Step 3 888Live & Major Tournaments 3 -$1.00 -100 -$3.00 $1.00 0 0/3
Step 2 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments 3 -$0.10 -100 -$0.30 $0.10 0 0/3
$3,000 Guaranteed 99c R&A FRENZY 1 -$0.99 -100 -$0.99 $0.99 0 0/1

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
02/10/2015 Step 4 Turbo 888Live & Major Tournaments $4.55+$0.45 1/40 $30.33
02/10/2015 Step 3 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.90+$0.10 1/6 $5.40
04/03/2015 $700 Guaranteed 'the 44c 4x4' R&A fun! $0.40+$0.04 41/617 $3.50
03/27/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 1/133 $0.10
03/20/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 1/147 $0.10

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
07/31/2015 Step 1 to 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 143/180 $0.00
05/03/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 1/124 $0.10
04/10/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 56/102 $0.00
04/10/2015 $3,000 Guaranteed 99c R&A FRENZY $0.90+$0.09 454/619 $0.00
04/05/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 92/152 $0.00
04/05/2015 Step 2 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.09+$0.01 49/113 $0.00
04/03/2015 Step 2 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.09+$0.01 96/164 $0.00
04/03/2015 $700 Guaranteed 'the 44c 4x4' R&A fun! $0.40+$0.04 41/617 $3.50
03/27/2015 Step 1 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.01+$0.00 1/133 $0.10
03/21/2015 Step 2 to the WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments $0.09+$0.01 43/83 $0.00