Tournament Info: The Rounder $1.10, $250 Gtd

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

December 30, 2023 11:00




$0.98 + $0.12

Prize pool

1 toto1268 $66.63 21 phbjunior $3.38 41 Arngrimer $2.15 61 mickblue63 $0.00 81 jirkakachna $0.00
2 Evgeniy842 $49.81 22 ha505 $3.38 42 wia102 $2.15 62 leotricarico $0.00 82 DomBergmann $0.00
3 Giwrgaros3 $37.36 23 urbanek420 $3.38 43 zyznnn $2.15 63 kjj72 $0.00 83 fredlemalade $0.00
4 ImmanuelBu $28.03 24 duvmeiste966 $3.38 44 sanford93 $2.15 64 naveed28 $0.00 84 Logovras $0.00
5 JoeyTheOnly $21.02 25 veng85 $3.38 45 danny5911 $2.15 65 Lipebarrossouza $0.00 85 MBspil $0.00
6 uncledibdib $15.77 26 ciresdan $3.38 46 Akjolo $2.15 66 Thea312 $0.00 86 willmusic $0.00
7 beas7m0de $11.83 27 Yariiw $2.69 47 GuedesFlip $2.15 67 tubasa1985 $0.00 87 yozh76 $0.00
8 Enmat2211 $8.87 28 ondon $2.69 48 noidea4ID $0.00 68 DoctoruTrand $0.00 88 Audi_RS_cz $0.00
9 marius242001 $6.65 29 TypeRPCL17 $2.69 49 WasSollDa950 $0.00 69 kellu567 $0.00 89 CaptainScorgasm $0.00
10 WolfStreet001 $5.31 30 ErveX24235 $2.69 50 Original9804 $0.00 70 nagster99 $0.00 90 limavrik $0.00
11 samovpre $5.31 31 zsavazo $2.69 51 martv80 $0.00 71 kid fenomeno $0.00 91 MJoci21 $0.00
12 Moergis $5.31 32 Pouck1969 $2.69 52 Pisulka322 $0.00 72 6S6S $0.00 92 LudwigE13 $0.00
13 Wallruuss $5.31 33 petgo $2.69 53 eliasovce $0.00 73 McBard $0.00 93 shieldo777 $0.00
14 xxjayjayxx $4.23 34 golsie1974 $2.69 54 dede1987200 $0.00 74 boyle1983 $0.00 94 Vallerya $0.00
15 pdau $4.23 35 luizcolnago10 $2.69 55 miles of $0.00 75 LIS_YOU_666 $0.00 95 morty511 $0.00
16 james nufc $4.23 36 kirill_kub $2.15 56 pje1111 $0.00 76 slowmotionn10 $0.00 96 IamUrlaw $0.00
17 BLOWERRR $4.23 37 GL-leite $2.15 57 Chempion sto $0.00 77 VAN-CENU $0.00 97 Gicu941 $0.00
18 TW1878 $3.38 38 MuayThaiD $2.15 58 W3TIK $0.00 78 Dimasic2222 $0.00 98 KumarLeLard $0.00
19 newfiedog709 $3.38 39 retziproke $2.15 59 Mateopacho $0.00 79 Bruino58 $0.00 99 Luigi_19750 $0.00
20 Carlos231261 $3.38 40 ferron888 $2.15 60 ThanoSpace $0.00 80 AKEDE $0.00 100 rdaroz7 $0.00
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